Monday 20 June 2016

Amaru the Shinning Sapient

Here a story of an African America Amaru the shining sapient,Afeni his mother pushed him out womb in prison to face the doom,he was raise with agony spoon and surrounded with many of his mate with silver spoon,as the world turn round,time goes by in New York,the boy  work hard getting high watching time fly,his talent in Art music and Act bought him fame,the fame attract to him more hate envy and jealousy,with that of his wild lifestyle both public,governments and religions got All eyes on him,he said,oh, I was born not to make it but I did,but now is me against the world,on my journey to overcome all  the pain in th world,I just learnt through the school of universal as far life goes on the word pain has no end,though ain't no glory in pain but truly the sweet taste of pain is joy,even after am gone they will be joy in my spirit.

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aPEX-cf Rich For Life