Tuesday, 4 April 2017

See through your head

Who stole black history? Why was black history stolen?
The science of archaeology, paleontology, and genetics has all proved beyond any doubt that human life originated in Africa. They have all shown that the first humans that ever lived have lived in Africa. See using DNA to trace human origin and migration. Then, click through 1-19 to learn.
Yet, western movies, books, continue to present Adam and Eve as whites. Hollywood and cinemas continue casting bible characters as whites!
How could Adam and Eve be white, when human life began in Africa?.
Adam and Eve, or whoever was the first human on earth (whether by evolution or creation) must have looked like a typical African man and woman.
And, since Adam and Eve had children, it follows that their children must have been blacks also. Adam begot Seth, Seth begot Canaan, e.t.c.
Noah must have been a blackman, Moses must have been a blackman, down to Jesus the messiah. Again, note that this is the conclusion of science, not my conclusion. Humanity originated in Africa, and from here we traveled to Arabia, Europe, Asia, South and North America, Australia.
What this means is that blacks have been on everywhere on this planet long before the emergence of any other race. This is why I think those who do racism are fools, because there’s only one race on earth; BLACKMAN. Every other race is just an offspring of blackman.
But, science aside, there’re also multiple biblical verses proving some of these claims. For example, See Jesus Christ was a blackman.
Both the Torah and Bible said Noah had 3 sons, namely; Ham, Shem, Japheth. Genesis 9: 20-27.
Later, Ham grew up, married and had 4 sons, namely; Cush, Mizraim, Phut, Canaan. Genesis 10: 6. Also referenced in 1 Chronicles 1:8.
The map below shows ancient names of northern Africa, Europe, and middle east region.
Above were the ORIGINAL names of these lands. And you can clearly see African presence in the bible. But, in order to whitewash the bible, European scholars had to rename MIZRAIM to Egypt and CUSH also renamed Ethiopia or Nubia. This was done to conceal the true identity of the blackman (Ham) who was later to have Judah (Jews)/Jesus Christ/Hebrews as his descendants.
For clarity, below is a map representing Noah's 3 sons and the lands they possessed.
Map of north, east Africa with ancient and current names, and part of Arabia
Judah (Jews)/Jesus Christ/Hebrews were later to become the descendants of Ham, the black man.
The question is not whether ancient Hebrews and biblical characters were blacks, it’s not even up for debate because there’s overwhelming evidence for that, both in science and the bible itself. The question we should be asking is; why was black history stolen?.
Who stole black history?. Why was black history stolen?.
You would expect black people to be asking the above questions. But, no, we don’t ask such questions. Instead, you’ll hear blacks asking questions like; does it matter if Adam and Eve were blacks?. Others will ask; does it matter if Jesus was black?.
The brainwashing and subduing of black people began the moment our history was stolen by Rome. It was from then on that blacks were brainwashed to believe the white supremacist mindset that have got us thinking whites are the "be all and end all". From then on white supremacists and brainwashing Euro-centric education started coining new worlds to make us hate ourselves. Words and phrases that were coined and still being coined to humiliate the black race includes; black day, blackguard, black sheep, black mood, black widow, blackmail, black money, blacklist, black Thursday, black marketeer, blackhead, blackball, black market, black out, black death, black maria, black knight, black Monday, black spot, black economy, black ice, black look, black magic, black mark, black ops, blackout, blackjack, black hole, blackleg, black Wednesday, blackboard jungle, black eye, black mass.
Basically, everything bad was to be associated with blackman/satan. While words like; White lie, white magic, white list, e.t.c were associated with goodness/whiteman. You see, the hatred against the black race is DEEP rooted in their gene and consciousness!.
Black people have no idea the history of a people will determine whether their present would be that of confidence or subdued. For example; if you’re not too bright of your history, it’ll also make you feel subdued in the present.
It therefore, follows that if you’re proud of your history, it’ll also make you confident and proud of your present.
Are you proud of Martin Luther King?. YES.
Are you proud of slavery?. NO.
Most magnificent black history was deleted from the history books within the 14th century in the renaissance period in Europe. And, by erasing proud black history from the history books, Rome for example assumed the custodians of Christ’s legacy ever since, when in fact the Roman empire was an enemy of Jesus Christ during his time on earth. Herod was a Roman king of Jerusalem and Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor during Jesus's days. They both sentenced Jesus to death.
As you can see, Rome have no right of credit to Christ’s legacy!. They had a hand in his death!.
How could your enemy become your best friend after you die?. Yet, this’s exactly what happened in the case of Jesus Christ and the roman empire!!!.
Associating Rome to Jesus Christ is like giving right of inheritance to an assassin that killed you!.
This is why when you research it, you’ll discover it is overwhelmingly clear that the ethnicity of Jesus was grossly distorted to fit the perspectives of Europe.
All the credit that should’ve been given to black people is now instead being erroneously given to Rome who actually facilitated the killing of Jesus Christ. By so doing, blacks have lost out on Christ’s heritage and the pride that would’ve come with it as our blood brother.
So, today who lay claim to Jesus Christ’s legacy?. ROME.
Who doesn’t?. T.D Jakes.
Recently, I heard T.D. Jakes talking what he knows nothing about by suggesting ancient Jews and Hebrews were not blacks. What nonsense!. The only prove he have according to him is that he’ve been preaching for 32 years. He’ve been preaching Roman indoctrination for 32 years, without caring to investigate his history or and what science have to say about the origin of mankind.
I've just released these two songs; (1). The lost history, (2). Jesus Christ was a Blackman. These songs seek to re-engineer the minds of black people in order to restore confidence and the birth right of Blackman. If you're a regular to this blog you'll know this is not the first song I have done. But, this song is special as it addresses a very important issue concerning the black race.
Slavery wasn't just physical. Slavery was also mental and in order to achieve mental slavery, one of the mischievous thing white people did was that they made sure historical characters associated with greatness were renamed to white people. When the Napoleon army conquered Egypt in 1789 AD, he went as far as destroying artifacts and structures suggesting black civilization in Egypt.
Even till today, historical black characters are still being cast in Hollywood movies as white people. Till today, historical blacks are still being presented in books and magazines as white people.
Despite, Pythagoras studying mathematics in Africa many centuries before Isaac Newton, Blackman gets no credit for the invention and development of mathematics. Instead, western scholars treat Pythagoras as a myth, simply because he said he studied mathematics in Africa.
Despite, both the science of genetics and archaeology proving conclusively that human life began in Africa, western establishments continue to present Adam and Eve as white people. Example; Jehovah's witness continue to draw Adam and Eve as whites on their international watchtower and Awake magazine. Hollywood also continues to cast them as whites.
How could Adam and Eve be white, when the first humans lived in Africa?.
You see, history is full of blunders against the black race, and education, movies, books, continue to be used as instruments of mental slavery. Blackman has been schemed out of his own history!.
As a result, white man subconsciously considers blackman as an inferior race that contributed nothing or lacks the capability to contribute to the world's development, when in reality blackman created the world. Blackman on the other hand subconsciously accepts the reality history has placed upon him. The effect becomes inferiority complex on the part of blackman, and superiority complex for whiteman. This is what is fueling racism!.
Black people must reclaim our position on this earth, cause the truth is blackman created the world!. If we do not take action, one million years in future, someone is going to teach our children in school that Martin Luther King was a whiteman!.
If we do nothing now, someone is going to teach our descendants that Nelson Mandela was a whiteman!.
You might find this funny, but it's not funny at all. Rather, it's something to be sober about.
. Jesus Christ is already successfully presented as a white man.
. Hannibal is already being successfully presented as white king.
. Adam and Eve is already successfully presented as whites.
. Europe is already being successfully presented as origin of education when in fact the first university on earth was in Mali, Africa.
. Bill Gates is already successfully presented as the richest man ever lived, when Mansa Musa of Mali is the wealthiest man ever lived.
. Sumerians has already successfully been presented as inventors of mathematics, when in fact their ancestors studied mathematics in Africa.
. Credit has already been successfully given to Europe for sciences, when in fact it took deep knowledge of Physics, geometry, and mathematics, to build the Egyptian pyramids.
. Credit has already been given to a Mungo Park as the discoverer of the river Niger, when in fact Mungo Park employed the services of Africans to shows him the routes to the river Niger. The list is endless.
Modern man (homo sapiens) migrated or exodused out of Africa about 60,000 to Arabia, Eurasia, Australia, Brazil and the Americas, e.t.c. Science confirms a massive exodus of people out of Africa. The bible also stated the same!. The bible stated in the whole book of Exodus that there was indeed a massive exodus of people in and out of Africa up till the end of the ice age. The bible characters remains the same people that exodused out of Africa, and their descendants!. The so called Jews were Africans migrating in mass in and out of Africa due to climate change!. Please see research on African migration "out". See another research on African migration "in". It kept happening that way for a long time, until the world climate stabilized and people were able to live in a permanent location and was able to begin farming during the neolithic period.
There were severe and erratic climatic change happening then, such that sometimes it would rain a whole month non-stop and people would be terrified as it seems the whole earth was inundated with water, as recorded in the story of Noah, only to give way to severe drought and famine as recorded in the story of mosses and the children of Israel (Africans). All these recorded in the bible.
If not for the innate humble attitude of the black race, we could have as well broadcasted ourselves as God as we populate the world. Had we done this the issue of racism against the Blackman wouldn't be here today. White people would've simply believed that we are God. How else would they know we’re not?.
The root of racism is that whites think of blacks as inferior. The real reason a white police man will shoot an unarmed blackman is because he thinks we're not as human as he is.
We can change all these by re-engineering the minds of the black race with raw facts of science and history showing that we actually created the world!. I've already started this project by recording these two songs.
Unfortunately, I do not have the resources to get the song heard worldwide, cause I'm an independent recording artiste not with a record label. Neither, am I in the radio or media where I could get it heard.
Check iTunes or Amazon MP3 for (1) the lost history (2) Jesus Christ was a blackman. I sang about these things. Artiste name: Africason.
Should you know anybody in the media passionate about black issues, have them get this song heard worldwide.
Freedom begins in the mind.

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